
Barrett, Lindorff, Dammegard 2017 Staged, Scripted, Mass Psy-Ops Events (2017)

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Barrett, Lindorff, Dammegard 2017 “False Flags”

911TVorg. Barrett, Lindorff, Dammegard 2017 “False Flags”. New York, June 4, 2017.
Published on Sep 1, 2017
False flags -- attacks covertly created by one group then blamed on another for ulterior purposes -- have been engineered throughout history, typically to incite wars. Today, false flags are used to achieve many shadow government goals, including fomenting Islamophobia and cowing an unwitting public into supporting a fascist agenda.

Leading false flag researchers are discovering a striking number of suspicious similarities between current false flag events. Examples include IDs left behind, CATV cameras turned off or "not working," simultaneous paramilitary drills, and prior police knowledge of the suspects. Typically, the media does a rush to judgement, spouting what will become the official story and blatantly ignoring the many anomalies.

Dr. Kevin Barrett is at the forefront of challenging the false flag phenomena. From Guy Fawkes to the USS Maine, to 9/11, Paris, and beyond, Dr. Barrett provides a comprehensive historical overview of these shadowy events and has written a triogy of books explicating this military operation.

Investigative reporter Dave Lindorff will speak about the Boston Marathon false flag incongruities and outright lies.

Researcher Ole Dammegard shares details from his onsite investigation of the July 2011 Norway false flag mass shooting in which a "lone gunman" executed 69 youths at a summer camp on Utoya Island.
Produced: 2017, Episode: KB+DL+OD-FF, Category: Education, 58:00
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