
Girls and Boys being .. - New MEH -Trump-Q Relationship

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Being part a part of this place does NOT make me or you a PART of it. Please understand and share. Made this quick video because tired of all the same videos everyday. No offense to anyone by ANY means. Yes the election was rigged like all of them. Purple is a color of royalty and used by the elite. The blovid numbers are rigged and fake AF etc etc.. Hope this breaks the stagnancy for you as well :> Much love brothers and sisters!
I am looking for some pals to go in as a group and do some focus work in certain areas of investigation. If Jason will turn the forums back on, we can rock them and make HEAVY use of them. so far He ignores my request so am kinda fronting it here.
If you have a project or some spare time to devote to a topic we vote on, we can probably make a huge dent in many things going on. No hurry, no time limits and as anon as you wanna be. Ok then... Cheers

-Side Note- Fake astronot Scott Kelley and Fake actwhore gabby wife have been selected as Sen D Arizona. Make sure to drop them a line and send them a link to this video---
The AstroNOT Senator???? ---- What Could Possibly Go Wrong



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