
Over Unity compressed air senergy being hidden from public eyes

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Enslaved By No Media
Published on 8 Mar 2018

Over Unity compressed air secrets being hidden from public eyes . The laws of thermodynamics say a perpetual motion machine is impossible. It's just not true as so many men in the past have developed these machines.

The passenger airplanes are generating compressed air power out of thin air. Literally!

Every manufacturing facility in the world utilizes compressed air for production. If they can use free energy to run there factory's then we can do this for our homes as well.

Awake Souls:

Air travel will bring the end of the petroleum hoax. The 2nd Lie of Thermal dynamics BUSTED!

Jet engines are OVER UNITY engines that run off of compressed air. Petroleum/"fossil fuels" are a HOAX. Stop buying the black goo. Invest in clean perpetual motion machines!

Air travel will bring the end of the petroleum hoax. The 2nd Lie of Thermal dynamics BUSTED!

Air travel will bring the end of the petroleum hoax. Free energy, HHO, Over Unity, #TEAMYAHAWASHI

Water is the best fuel we have on earth. Hydrogen does NOT explode! It IMPLODES!!! Safe free energy with fusion that anyone can do at home...

The 3rd dispensation begins with FREE ENERGY Over Unity and hydrogen implosions explained.


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