
tic-toc, Thankyou for taking the time to drop me a message. I will always take the time to respond on this channel. This vid is one of 5 that was rescued from oblivion by me and others who cared enough to do it( 2 still to upload). We thought the information on this great channel, that only existed for about 4 months this year, was too important to be lost if we could do something about it. These are what remain that were mirrored elsewhere. In theory I agree with you generally but very much disagree with the idea, if I’m understanding you right, that there is no difference between a completely artificial matrix created by people who want to control you and the real construct that God intended for us. rn.

Peekay, you would be a perfect mathematics teacher!

Ohh, I really miss to hear Trust One News lovely voice on Internet exposing all the hoxes.

Videos coming from VidMe don’t always have sound.

notice he has to wear the duel 33,s,, orange top 33 and Adidas 33,,

no sound

a psychopath , drunk on his own power? sounds like ken o’keefe. he must be talking about himself.

prepare the indictments.

6:06 is the time as well. spooky

slow kill

Start building some gallows

These people have sold their souls. may be an exception to the rule; though he does not mention FE overly often in his uploads on screwUtube.

Fair analysis; but tell me, and I ask without knowing whether I will receive notice of your reply whoever you may be... Is there significant difference between a thing that is infinitely big and one - infinitely small? I can’t imagine either really, if there is.

They’re not even trying. The bastards.

Yes, they screw the kids mind in school. And if you protest – "You are not open minded". This is the new normal. Part 1–4 in one – maybe too hard for people to process. Every single part is strange enough.

Best video!

No i don’t think people are logical or reasonable after they have been lied to for so long

I haven’t seen anyone else catch that yet! Good job!

Good work