
Netanyahu Indictment - How might this leave Kushner or Avy or The man of Lawlessness Coming-mrr

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The Scumbag preacher Hagee and his improper support for Israel at this time explains alot!
The treatment of the jews alive during the second part of Daniels 70th heptad ie: latter 3 1/2 weeks is yet future. It is not about current treatment of jews in this time, but of the NATIONS treatment of them in that time. Nations now like every individual is under Grace and Conciliation. When the change happens and Father CALLS all back to Israel, then this applies. So standing with Israel as it appears now is nonsense!

So if BIBI were to leave/get tossed out, like we may see in the USA with trump.. This leaves Pence/Kushner and the door open for the man know as "The man of lawlessness or Anti-Christ". This one will be a jew, a smooth talker and bringer of a false peace to the middle east. Do we see Kushner and his mini-me Avy filling in here? What of Pence..He has been in shadows to long. Kushner already has such authority in middle east its un heard of one man to have like this!

There is much going on here in the spiritual sense we are seeing. Keep eyes on temple mount and a new dedication/building of.. these are keys to the next step. Abomination that makes desolate. An Idol in the temple as it were but not of GOD!
They have already had a live sacrifice on the grounds. This will be reinstated during or after the new Temple is completed. The one who will sit in it the one we are looking for.

Things to muse on are:
Who did trump, bibi piss off. a "Deep State"?
Was this part of the downfall that should have happened after Epstein's transition?
The Ukraine has a huge part in this as a transitional place for goods and services ie: OIL pipelines etc.
IS this a front/warning to get these leaders in line for the noahide laws being made ready EVERYWHERE?

IDK.. for now just sharing what I understand. Peace =)

God Bless all.. Keep eyes on things. Comments welcome. ;)

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